Book cover of Never Get Angry Again by Dr. David J. Lieberman Ph.D.
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Never Get Angry Again is the New York Times and globally bestselling writer David J. Liebermans' detailed, holistic look at the fundamental psychological, physiological, and religious roots of anger, and a pragmatic guide to what the reader should do to obtain insight. David J. Lieberman knows that to prevent going berserk, a shift in attitude is all that is necessary. He explains how to see anger through a detailed, systematic prism in Never Get Angry…
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Never Get Angry Again is the New York Times and globally bestselling writer David J. Liebermans’ detailed, holistic look at the fundamental psychological, physiological, and religious roots of anger, and a pragmatic guide to what the reader should do to obtain insight. David J. Lieberman knows that to prevent going berserk, a shift in attitude is all that is necessary. He explains how to see anger through a detailed, systematic prism in Never Get Angry Again, illuminates the basic psychological, moral, and physical elements of frustration, and presents readers with clear, realistic resources to snuff out rage before it even happens.

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Never Get Angry Again is the New York Times and globally bestselling writer David J. Liebermans’ detailed, holistic look at the fundamental psychological, physiological, and religious roots of anger, and a pragmatic guide to what the reader should do to obtain insight. David J. Lieberman knows that to prevent going berserk, a shift in attitude is all that is necessary. He explains how to see anger through a detailed, systematic prism in Never Get Angry Again, illuminates the basic psychological, moral, and physical elements of frustration, and presents readers with clear, realistic resources to snuff out rage before it even happens.

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