Highly reviewed dreams books

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Book cover of Persistence of Dreams (Dreams Saga) (Volume 2) by Ann Warner
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The story of Charles, focused on his relationships with Barry, Kathy goes on. The loss of his love affair with Kathy and an arsonist pursuing vengeance is the catalysts that shift Charles life's course. Forced to find both a better place to stay and a way to relieve his heartbreak, Charles does a few more to support his friend Luz Montalvo when he reaches out. Helping Luz challenges Charles to come to terms with his fractured relationships and his childhood's scattered memories.
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The story of Charles, focused on his relationships with Barry, Kathy goes on. The loss of his love affair with Kathy and an arsonist pursuing vengeance is the catalysts that shift Charles life’s course. Forced to find both a better place to stay and a way to relieve his heartbreak, Charles does a few more to support his friend Luz Montalvo when he reaches out. Helping Luz challenges Charles to come to terms with his fractured relationships and his childhood’s scattered memories.

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The story of Charles, focused on his relationships with Barry, Kathy goes on. The loss of his love affair with Kathy and an arsonist pursuing vengeance is the catalysts that shift Charles life’s course. Forced to find both a better place to stay and a way to relieve his heartbreak, Charles does a few more to support his friend Luz Montalvo when he reaches out. Helping Luz challenges Charles to come to terms with his fractured relationships and his childhood’s scattered memories.

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