Book cover of Creativity Inc. by Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace
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Creativity Inc. - Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration

by Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace
  • Great overall
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  • Great writing
Creativity Inc. is a guide for those chasing freshness, and the very first all-access journey to Pixar Animation's core, with conferences and brainstorming sessions where some of the most famous movies in history were produced. It is, at heart, a book on imagination but, as Ed Catmull, co-founder and chairman of Pixar, says, it is also an illustration of the thoughts that I think really matters. Pixar has ruled the animation landscape for almost twenty…
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Creativity Inc. is a guide for those chasing freshness, and the very first all-access journey to Pixar Animation’s core, with conferences and brainstorming sessions where some of the most famous movies in history were produced. It is, at heart, a book on imagination but, as Ed Catmull, co-founder and chairman of Pixar, says, it is also an illustration of the thoughts that I think really matters. Pixar has ruled the animation landscape for almost twenty years, making such iconic movies as the franchise of Toy Story, Finding Nemo or The Incredibles, which have been breaking box office records and winning thirty Academy Awards. Pixar animations are in many respects an educational lesson on what creativity actually can be. Catmull exposes here in this book the principles and methods that made Pixar so highly revered.

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Creativity Inc. is a guide for those chasing freshness, and the very first all-access journey to Pixar Animation’s core, with conferences and brainstorming sessions where some of the most famous movies in history were produced. It is, at heart, a book on imagination but, as Ed Catmull, co-founder and chairman of Pixar, says, it is also an illustration of the thoughts that I think really matters. Pixar has ruled the animation landscape for almost twenty years, making such iconic movies as the franchise of Toy Story, Finding Nemo or The Incredibles, which have been breaking box office records and winning thirty Academy Awards. Pixar animations are in many respects an educational lesson on what creativity actually can be. Catmull exposes here in this book the principles and methods that made Pixar so highly revered.

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  • Great overall
  • Decent content
  • Great writing