Book cover of How Cycling Can Save the World by Peter Walker
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How Cycling Can Save the World

by Peter Walker
  • Great overall
  • Decent content
  • Outstanding writing
Peter Walker explains that the bicycle will be essential to the survival of mankind. Motorized vehicules culture has eaten up a lot of the world ressources. Yet as the mentalities change, everybody agrees on the huge price we pay for our cars, with the drastic impact of emissions, increasing number of people being injured or killed in accidents. Walker claims that one of humanity's most successful inventions is the best way to solve most of these things at once. Walker takes us on a tour of cities like Copenhagen and…
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Peter Walker explains that the bicycle will be essential to the survival of mankind. Motorized vehicules culture has eaten up a lot of the world ressources. Yet as the mentalities change, everybody agrees on the huge price we pay for our cars, with the drastic impact of emissions, increasing number of people being injured or killed in accidents. Walker claims that one of humanity’s most successful inventions is the best way to solve most of these things at once. Walker takes us on a tour of cities like Copenhagen and Utrecht in Why Cycling Will Save the World, where daily biking has taken hold, demonstrating the proven impact of cycling on lowering smog and pollution, and improving quality of life and mental health. He shows that with only a few cycling lanes and an other mindset you can make a major difference. How Cycling Can Save the World delivers on its ambitious promise, carefully studied and beautifully inspiring, which encourages readers to understand that cycling can not only save the world, but can have a profound and positive effect on their lives.

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Peter Walker explains that the bicycle will be essential to the survival of mankind. Motorized vehicules culture has eaten up a lot of the world ressources. Yet as the mentalities change, everybody agrees on the huge price we pay for our cars, with the drastic impact of emissions, increasing number of people being injured or killed in accidents. Walker claims that one of humanity’s most successful inventions is the best way to solve most of these things at once. Walker takes us on a tour of cities like Copenhagen and Utrecht in Why Cycling Will Save the World, where daily biking has taken hold, demonstrating the proven impact of cycling on lowering smog and pollution, and improving quality of life and mental health. He shows that with only a few cycling lanes and an other mindset you can make a major difference. How Cycling Can Save the World delivers on its ambitious promise, carefully studied and beautifully inspiring, which encourages readers to understand that cycling can not only save the world, but can have a profound and positive effect on their lives.

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  • Great overall
  • Decent content
  • Outstanding writing