Book cover of Making Work Work by Shola Richards
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Shola Richards mission was clear: he needed to fix this mess that is the workplace. Shola Richards was all washed up: after nearly two years at a really sucking job, he felt desperate and out of energy. Then he stopped and committed himself to nothing less than turning the office into a environment of dignity, motivation, and courtesy.
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Shola Richards mission was clear: he needed to fix this mess that is the workplace. Shola Richards was all washed up: after nearly two years at a really sucking job, he felt desperate and out of energy. Then he stopped and committed himself to nothing less than turning the office into a environment of dignity, motivation, and courtesy.

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Shola Richards mission was clear: he needed to fix this mess that is the workplace. Shola Richards was all washed up: after nearly two years at a really sucking job, he felt desperate and out of energy. Then he stopped and committed himself to nothing less than turning the office into a environment of dignity, motivation, and courtesy.

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