Book cover of One Breath at a Time by Kevin Griffin
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One Breath at a Time - Buddhism and the Twelve Steps

by Kevin Griffin
  • Decent overall
  • Outstanding writing
This new version of the bestselling recovery guide One Breath at a Time, integrating Zen meditation practices with the 12 Step Program, will motivate and enlighten you to lead a happier and better life. Through what is considered the foundation of the 21st century's most powerful rehabilitation effort, Kevin Griffin shares his own remarkable path to sobriety and how he incorporated the Twelve Steps of recovery with mindfulness. One Breath at a Time leads you on a walk through the Steps, exploring essential themes such as Powerlessness or Higher Power…
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This new version of the bestselling recovery guide One Breath at a Time, integrating Zen meditation practices with the 12 Step Program, will motivate and enlighten you to lead a happier and better life. Through what is considered the foundation of the 21st century’s most powerful rehabilitation effort, Kevin Griffin shares his own remarkable path to sobriety and how he incorporated the Twelve Steps of recovery with mindfulness. One Breath at a Time leads you on a walk through the Steps, exploring essential themes such as Powerlessness or Higher Power through the prism of Buddhism’s central beliefs.

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This new version of the bestselling recovery guide One Breath at a Time, integrating Zen meditation practices with the 12 Step Program, will motivate and enlighten you to lead a happier and better life. Through what is considered the foundation of the 21st century’s most powerful rehabilitation effort, Kevin Griffin shares his own remarkable path to sobriety and how he incorporated the Twelve Steps of recovery with mindfulness. One Breath at a Time leads you on a walk through the Steps, exploring essential themes such as Powerlessness or Higher Power through the prism of Buddhism’s central beliefs.

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  • Decent overall
  • Outstanding writing