Book cover of The Power of Consistency by Weldon Long
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The Power of Consistency is founded on the simple principle that inner chatter determine subsequent behavior and actions. In other words, from the thoughts that we constantly have, we continue to take action and the accumulated consequences of those decisions ultimately build the value and circumstances of our lives and businesses. The Consistency Power shows you how to build a Personal Prosperity Strategy, become fully committed to the strategy, and take consistent steps to execute…
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The Power of Consistency is founded on the simple principle that inner chatter determine subsequent behavior and actions. In other words, from the thoughts that we constantly have, we continue to take action and the accumulated consequences of those decisions ultimately build the value and circumstances of our lives and businesses. The Consistency Power shows you how to build a Personal Prosperity Strategy, become fully committed to the strategy, and take consistent steps to execute the plan to boost revenue and company results.

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The Power of Consistency is founded on the simple principle that inner chatter determine subsequent behavior and actions. In other words, from the thoughts that we constantly have, we continue to take action and the accumulated consequences of those decisions ultimately build the value and circumstances of our lives and businesses. The Consistency Power shows you how to build a Personal Prosperity Strategy, become fully committed to the strategy, and take consistent steps to execute the plan to boost revenue and company results.

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  • Decent overall
  • Outstanding writing