Book cover of The Way of Trust and Love  by Jacques Philippe
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St. Thérèse of Lisieux is hoping for a different path to Heaven: a very simple, fast new way. Blessed with spiritual shortcomings that would have hindered anyone, Thérèse knew that God should not have given her a passion for holiness if He had not wanted for her to accomplish it. She learned to embrace herself humbly as she was and to truly believe in the grace of God.
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St. Thérèse of Lisieux is hoping for a different path to Heaven: a very simple, fast new way. Blessed with spiritual shortcomings that would have hindered anyone, Thérèse knew that God should not have given her a passion for holiness if He had not wanted for her to accomplish it. She learned to embrace herself humbly as she was and to truly believe in the grace of God.

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St. Thérèse of Lisieux is hoping for a different path to Heaven: a very simple, fast new way. Blessed with spiritual shortcomings that would have hindered anyone, Thérèse knew that God should not have given her a passion for holiness if He had not wanted for her to accomplish it. She learned to embrace herself humbly as she was and to truly believe in the grace of God.

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  • Outstanding writing