Book cover of 10-Minute Mindfulness by S.J. Scott, Barrie Davenport
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10-Minute Mindfulness - 71 Habits for Living in the Present Moment

by S.J. Scott, Barrie Davenport
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Sometimes you can be unaware of lifestyle decisions, everyday routine or even your thoughts. You may be ignorant of your real beliefs, goals for life, and deeper longings. So you are incapable of living in the current moment because you are worried with previous mistakes and future problems. The remedy is to integrate the whole day's focus so that you can experience inner harmony and satisfaction. Wall Street Journal's bestselling authors S.J. in 10-minute meditation.…
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Sometimes you can be unaware of lifestyle decisions, everyday routine or even your thoughts. You may be ignorant of your real beliefs, goals for life, and deeper longings. So you are incapable of living in the current moment because you are worried with previous mistakes and future problems. The remedy is to integrate the whole day’s focus so that you can experience inner harmony and satisfaction. Wall Street Journal’s bestselling authors S.J. in 10-minute meditation. The book is for the ones who understand that their concentration, performance, satisfaction, and peace of mind need to be strengthened. In 10-Minute Mindfulness you can create your own mindfulness habits by selecting your favorite ones among 71 possible actions and exercices.

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Sometimes you can be unaware of lifestyle decisions, everyday routine or even your thoughts. You may be ignorant of your real beliefs, goals for life, and deeper longings. So you are incapable of living in the current moment because you are worried with previous mistakes and future problems. The remedy is to integrate the whole day’s focus so that you can experience inner harmony and satisfaction. Wall Street Journal’s bestselling authors S.J. in 10-minute meditation. The book is for the ones who understand that their concentration, performance, satisfaction, and peace of mind need to be strengthened. In 10-Minute Mindfulness you can create your own mindfulness habits by selecting your favorite ones among 71 possible actions and exercices.

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  • Great content
  • Great writing