Book cover of When Likes Aren't Enough by Tim Bono
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Once young adults across the globe were asked by a panel of experts what their number one priority is in life, happiness was the top response. Just hapiness not success, fame, money, beauty, nor love. But those generations of young adults raised as digital natives happiness seems just out of reach. While social media frequently shows well-lit selfies and beautiful people, today's 16- to 25-year-olds struggle alongside their overburdened parents to seek true sense, attachment,…
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Once young adults across the globe were asked by a panel of experts what their number one priority is in life, happiness was the top response. Just hapiness not success, fame, money, beauty, nor love. But those generations of young adults raised as digital natives happiness seems just out of reach. While social media frequently shows well-lit selfies and beautiful people, today’s 16- to 25-year-olds struggle alongside their overburdened parents to seek true sense, attachment, and fulfillment. WHEN LIKES aren’t ENOUGH explores the theme of happiness and well-being, but reframing it for a younger reader coping with Instagram jealousy and school rejections, overprotective parents. Filled with fascinating research, realistic drills, straightforward advice, and quotations and stories from young people themselves, WHEN LIKES aren’t ENOUGH is a master lesson for a generation hungry for real-world science-based solutions to be happier.

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Once young adults across the globe were asked by a panel of experts what their number one priority is in life, happiness was the top response. Just hapiness not success, fame, money, beauty, nor love. But those generations of young adults raised as digital natives happiness seems just out of reach. While social media frequently shows well-lit selfies and beautiful people, today’s 16- to 25-year-olds struggle alongside their overburdened parents to seek true sense, attachment, and fulfillment. WHEN LIKES aren’t ENOUGH explores the theme of happiness and well-being, but reframing it for a younger reader coping with Instagram jealousy and school rejections, overprotective parents. Filled with fascinating research, realistic drills, straightforward advice, and quotations and stories from young people themselves, WHEN LIKES aren’t ENOUGH is a master lesson for a generation hungry for real-world science-based solutions to be happier.

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  • Decent overall
  • Outstanding writing