Book cover of 5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life by Bill Eddy
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Many tough people are not only difficult to work with, they are toxic and dangerous. When a high-conflict person (HCP) has a personality disorders, they can strike in extreme waves of emotion and hostile behaviors. More frighteningly, once you become the target of a HCP, it's might be forever. 5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life, packed with…
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Many tough people are not only difficult to work with, they are toxic and dangerous. When a high-conflict person (HCP) has a personality disorders, they can strike in extreme waves of emotion and hostile behaviors. More frighteningly, once you become the target of a HCP, it’s might be forever. 5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life, packed with insightful tips and real-life stories, is an invaluable resource to help you avoid toxic friendships, create positive bonds, and protect your integrity and private life in the process.

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Many tough people are not only difficult to work with, they are toxic and dangerous. When a high-conflict person (HCP) has a personality disorders, they can strike in extreme waves of emotion and hostile behaviors. More frighteningly, once you become the target of a HCP, it’s might be forever. 5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life, packed with insightful tips and real-life stories, is an invaluable resource to help you avoid toxic friendships, create positive bonds, and protect your integrity and private life in the process.

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  • Outstanding writing