Book cover of Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder by Marsha Linehan
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To the average clinician, the most difficult, often insoluble cases are always those with borderline personality disorder (BPD). This book is the definitive overview of systematic, structured approach to treating adults with BPD through dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), Marsha M. Linehans. DBT was the first psychotherapy which was found to be effective for BPD. Since then, it has been adapted and tested for a wide range of other emotional dysregulation disorders that are difficult to…
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To the average clinician, the most difficult, often insoluble cases are always those with borderline personality disorder (BPD). This book is the definitive overview of systematic, structured approach to treating adults with BPD through dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), Marsha M. Linehans. DBT was the first psychotherapy which was found to be effective for BPD. Since then, it has been adapted and tested for a wide range of other emotional dysregulation disorders that are difficult to treat.

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To the average clinician, the most difficult, often insoluble cases are always those with borderline personality disorder (BPD). This book is the definitive overview of systematic, structured approach to treating adults with BPD through dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), Marsha M. Linehans. DBT was the first psychotherapy which was found to be effective for BPD. Since then, it has been adapted and tested for a wide range of other emotional dysregulation disorders that are difficult to treat.

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  • Decent overall
  • Decent writing