Book cover of Bigger Leaner Stronger by Michael Matthews
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Bigger Leaner Stronger - The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body

by Michael Matthews
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When you want to be slim, lean and strong without hormones, great genes, and wasting insane sums of time in the gym or money on drugs as soon as possible, than you have to read this book. Here are just a handful of the misleading lies and misconceptions that stop people from really having the lean, fit, strong, and balanced bodies they really need. And you're gonna find something in this book that other guys…
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When you want to be slim, lean and strong without hormones, great genes, and wasting insane sums of time in the gym or money on drugs as soon as possible, than you have to read this book. Here are just a handful of the misleading lies and misconceptions that stop people from really having the lean, fit, strong, and balanced bodies they really need. And you’re gonna find something in this book that other guys will never know about. You can reach this hunk body of Hollywood stars without letting your life revolve around it.

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When you want to be slim, lean and strong without hormones, great genes, and wasting insane sums of time in the gym or money on drugs as soon as possible, than you have to read this book. Here are just a handful of the misleading lies and misconceptions that stop people from really having the lean, fit, strong, and balanced bodies they really need. And you’re gonna find something in this book that other guys will never know about. You can reach this hunk body of Hollywood stars without letting your life revolve around it.

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  • Decent overall
  • Decent content
  • Outstanding writing