Book cover of Daniels' Running Formula by Jack Daniels
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Daniels' Running Formula

by Jack Daniels
  • Great overall
  • Outstanding writing
Keep your running career in the perfect shape with the aid of Daniels' Running Formula, the guide that Runner's World Magazine calls the best book for fitness. Premier running trainer Jack Daniels presents you with his iconic VDOT plan to help you to run better, longer and quicker by practicing at just the right pace. Prep for 800 meters, 1500 meters to 2 miles, cross-country runs, 5K to 10K, 15K to 30K, and marathon events. Each plan combines training intensities to help you develop stamina, strength and speed. With Daniels'…
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Keep your running career in the perfect shape with the aid of Daniels’ Running Formula, the guide that Runner’s World Magazine calls the best book for fitness. Premier running trainer Jack Daniels presents you with his iconic VDOT plan to help you to run better, longer and quicker by practicing at just the right pace. Prep for 800 meters, 1500 meters to 2 miles, cross-country runs, 5K to 10K, 15K to 30K, and marathon events. Each plan combines training intensities to help you develop stamina, strength and speed. With Daniels’ Running Formula you will train more consistently and efficiently, and you will maximize your potentail and performances. Whether you are competing or simply training, get the results you’re seeking every time you put your shoes on with the programs detailed in Daniels’ Running Formula.

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Keep your running career in the perfect shape with the aid of Daniels’ Running Formula, the guide that Runner’s World Magazine calls the best book for fitness. Premier running trainer Jack Daniels presents you with his iconic VDOT plan to help you to run better, longer and quicker by practicing at just the right pace. Prep for 800 meters, 1500 meters to 2 miles, cross-country runs, 5K to 10K, 15K to 30K, and marathon events. Each plan combines training intensities to help you develop stamina, strength and speed. With Daniels’ Running Formula you will train more consistently and efficiently, and you will maximize your potentail and performances. Whether you are competing or simply training, get the results you’re seeking every time you put your shoes on with the programs detailed in Daniels’ Running Formula.

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  • Great overall
  • Outstanding writing