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First - What It Takes to Win

by Rich Froning
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Rich Froning, CrossFit World Champion, is probably one of the fittest man on Earth. Yet to compete and succeed at this level requires more than physical strength It also takes incredible psychological and moral strength. If Rich Froning is a champion, it's thanks to the exact balancing between all three. In his book, Rich offers essential fitness ideas, motivating methods, and religious wisdom that can equip you for any real-life physical, emotional, or moral task.
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Rich Froning, CrossFit World Champion, is probably one of the fittest man on Earth. Yet to compete and succeed at this level requires more than physical strength It also takes incredible psychological and moral strength. If Rich Froning is a champion, it’s thanks to the exact balancing between all three. In his book, Rich offers essential fitness ideas, motivating methods, and religious wisdom that can equip you for any real-life physical, emotional, or moral task.

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Rich Froning, CrossFit World Champion, is probably one of the fittest man on Earth. Yet to compete and succeed at this level requires more than physical strength It also takes incredible psychological and moral strength. If Rich Froning is a champion, it’s thanks to the exact balancing between all three. In his book, Rich offers essential fitness ideas, motivating methods, and religious wisdom that can equip you for any real-life physical, emotional, or moral task.

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  • Outstanding content
  • Outstanding writing