Book cover of From Anxiety to Love by Corinne Zupko
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Writer Corinne Zupko conducted her study of psychology out of desperation as she began to ruin her life by crippling anxiety. In pursuit for ways to do more than simply ease her problems, Corinne started reading A Course in Miracles, meditation, and the modern clinical approaches to anxiety management. She shares what she has experienced in From Anxiety to Love and subtly walks you through the process, helping you to reverse anxiety-based behavior and encourage…
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Writer Corinne Zupko conducted her study of psychology out of desperation as she began to ruin her life by crippling anxiety. In pursuit for ways to do more than simply ease her problems, Corinne started reading A Course in Miracles, meditation, and the modern clinical approaches to anxiety management. She shares what she has experienced in From Anxiety to Love and subtly walks you through the process, helping you to reverse anxiety-based behavior and encourage mindful changes in your thoughts and actions. If you’re dealing with everyday tension and debilitating pain, you’ll find in Corinne’s solution a new path to recovery and healing.

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Writer Corinne Zupko conducted her study of psychology out of desperation as she began to ruin her life by crippling anxiety. In pursuit for ways to do more than simply ease her problems, Corinne started reading A Course in Miracles, meditation, and the modern clinical approaches to anxiety management. She shares what she has experienced in From Anxiety to Love and subtly walks you through the process, helping you to reverse anxiety-based behavior and encourage mindful changes in your thoughts and actions. If you’re dealing with everyday tension and debilitating pain, you’ll find in Corinne’s solution a new path to recovery and healing.

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  • Decent overall
  • Outstanding writing