Book cover of Invisible Influence by Jonah Berger
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Invisible Influence - The Hidden Forces that Shape Behavior

by Jonah Berger
  • Decent overall
  • Great writing
Most likely ou assume that your decisions and actions are guided by your individual, private interests and preferences. You have selected a certain profession because it is appealing for you. The idea that our own views and beliefs guide our decisions is globally accepted. Certain people's actions have a significant effect on what we do at any moment of our lives, without us realizing it. Jonah Berger incorporates analysis and thought from psychology, and social…
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Most likely ou assume that your decisions and actions are guided by your individual, private interests and preferences. You have selected a certain profession because it is appealing for you. The idea that our own views and beliefs guide our decisions is globally accepted. Certain people’s actions have a significant effect on what we do at any moment of our lives, without us realizing it. Jonah Berger incorporates analysis and thought from psychology, and social science in Invisible Influence to reflect on the hidden, unseen forces behind our personal choices. We will determine when to oppose and when to accept it by knowing how external influence works.

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Most likely ou assume that your decisions and actions are guided by your individual, private interests and preferences. You have selected a certain profession because it is appealing for you. The idea that our own views and beliefs guide our decisions is globally accepted. Certain people’s actions have a significant effect on what we do at any moment of our lives, without us realizing it. Jonah Berger incorporates analysis and thought from psychology, and social science in Invisible Influence to reflect on the hidden, unseen forces behind our personal choices. We will determine when to oppose and when to accept it by knowing how external influence works.

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  • Decent overall
  • Great writing