Book cover of The Personal Power Roadmap by Marjory Harris
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Have you ever questioned how many people are easily able to make major changes when others, like you, are unable to make decisions? And if your inability to solve challenges and accomplish your goals isn't because you don't have what it takes, but because no one has taught you the right method to make major decisions? The methods are three…
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Have you ever questioned how many people are easily able to make major changes when others, like you, are unable to make decisions? And if your inability to solve challenges and accomplish your goals isn’t because you don’t have what it takes, but because no one has taught you the right method to make major decisions? The methods are three critical skills that this book will help you to refine. This book is a proven method for turning life’s issues into successful resources, in your work and personal life.

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Have you ever questioned how many people are easily able to make major changes when others, like you, are unable to make decisions? And if your inability to solve challenges and accomplish your goals isn’t because you don’t have what it takes, but because no one has taught you the right method to make major decisions? The methods are three critical skills that this book will help you to refine. This book is a proven method for turning life’s issues into successful resources, in your work and personal life.

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  • Decent overall
  • Great writing