Book cover of Mothers Who Can't Love by Susan Forward, Donna Frazier Glynn
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Mothers Who Can't Love - A Healing Guide for Daughters

by Susan Forward, Donna Frazier Glynn
  • Great overall
  • Great content
  • Outstanding writing
In Mothers Who Cant Love: A Loving Guide for Daughters, Susan Forward, Ph.D., author of the smash #1 bestseller Toxic Parents, gives a compelling look at the destructive effects that unloving mothers has on their children, and shares straightforward, practical strategies to conquer the traumatic legacy. Forward has consulted with a vast number of women for more than 35 years as a psychologist trying to overcome the psychological trauma done by the people who brought them up. Such women are afflicted with anxiety and depression, marriage troubles, loss of confidence…
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In Mothers Who Cant Love: A Loving Guide for Daughters, Susan Forward, Ph.D., author of the smash #1 bestseller Toxic Parents, gives a compelling look at the destructive effects that unloving mothers has on their children, and shares straightforward, practical strategies to conquer the traumatic legacy. Forward has consulted with a vast number of women for more than 35 years as a psychologist trying to overcome the psychological trauma done by the people who brought them up. Such women are afflicted with anxiety and depression, marriage troubles, loss of confidence and difficulty with honesty, subject to years of ridicule, rivalry, role-reversal, smothering control, psychological deprivation and violence. Forward discusses the Narcissistic Mom, the competitive Mother, the Overly Enmeshed Mother, the Power freak, mothers in need of Parenting, or mothers who neglect their daughters and refuse to shield them from violence. Mothers That Can’t Trust, full of inspiring case studies, details the self-help strategies that Forward has built to change their patients’ lives, teaching people how to conquer emotional trauma and how to behave in their own best interests. Mothers Who Can’t Trust is warm and caring, presenting daughters with the social support and resources they need to repair themselves and restore their self-respect and trust.

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In Mothers Who Cant Love: A Loving Guide for Daughters, Susan Forward, Ph.D., author of the smash #1 bestseller Toxic Parents, gives a compelling look at the destructive effects that unloving mothers has on their children, and shares straightforward, practical strategies to conquer the traumatic legacy. Forward has consulted with a vast number of women for more than 35 years as a psychologist trying to overcome the psychological trauma done by the people who brought them up. Such women are afflicted with anxiety and depression, marriage troubles, loss of confidence and difficulty with honesty, subject to years of ridicule, rivalry, role-reversal, smothering control, psychological deprivation and violence. Forward discusses the Narcissistic Mom, the competitive Mother, the Overly Enmeshed Mother, the Power freak, mothers in need of Parenting, or mothers who neglect their daughters and refuse to shield them from violence. Mothers That Can’t Trust, full of inspiring case studies, details the self-help strategies that Forward has built to change their patients’ lives, teaching people how to conquer emotional trauma and how to behave in their own best interests. Mothers Who Can’t Trust is warm and caring, presenting daughters with the social support and resources they need to repair themselves and restore their self-respect and trust.

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  • Great overall
  • Great content
  • Outstanding writing