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Shoe Dog - A Memoir by the Creator of Nike

by Phil Knight
  • Great overall
  • Decent writing
Nike CEO and board member Phil Knight tells the inside story of the early days of the company as an intrepid start-up and its transformation into one of the most popular, game-changing, and lucrative companies in the world for the first time in this candid yet riveting autobiography. Old, ambitious, fresh from business school, Phil Knight borrowed fifty dollars from his dad and started up a company with a basic mission: to manufacture high-quality, low-cost running shoes from Japan. Selling the shoes from his Plymouth Valiant's boot, Knight grossed the…
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Nike CEO and board member Phil Knight tells the inside story of the early days of the company as an intrepid start-up and its transformation into one of the most popular, game-changing, and lucrative companies in the world for the first time in this candid yet riveting autobiography. Old, ambitious, fresh from business school, Phil Knight borrowed fifty dollars from his dad and started up a company with a basic mission: to manufacture high-quality, low-cost running shoes from Japan. Selling the shoes from his Plymouth Valiant’s boot, Knight grossed the first year, 1963, eight thousand dollars. Today, Nike’s over $30 billion in global revenue. Knight’s Nike is the gold standard for the era of start-ups, and his swoosh is more than a mark. This is one of the only symbols immediately remembered in any part of the world, a sign of beauty and greatness. Yet Knight, the guy behind the swoosh, has been since then a total mystery. Now he’s actually sharing his story in a memoir that’s unexpected, honest, unfiltered, sweet, and beautifully written. Twenty-four years old, backpacking around the world, wondering about with the Great Questions of Life, Knight determines that he must pursue the unconventional path. Knight provides descriptions of the most frightening dangers he faced along the way, the crippling defeats, the relentless rivals, the countless doubters and haters and aggressive bankers. He remembers, above all, the fundamental connections that shaped Nike’s heart and soul, with his longtime track mentor, the irascible and energetic Bill Bowerman. Together, harnessing a visionary mindset and a common faith in sport’s redemptive, they built a product and culture that changed everything.

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Nike CEO and board member Phil Knight tells the inside story of the early days of the company as an intrepid start-up and its transformation into one of the most popular, game-changing, and lucrative companies in the world for the first time in this candid yet riveting autobiography. Old, ambitious, fresh from business school, Phil Knight borrowed fifty dollars from his dad and started up a company with a basic mission: to manufacture high-quality, low-cost running shoes from Japan. Selling the shoes from his Plymouth Valiant’s boot, Knight grossed the first year, 1963, eight thousand dollars. Today, Nike’s over $30 billion in global revenue. Knight’s Nike is the gold standard for the era of start-ups, and his swoosh is more than a mark. This is one of the only symbols immediately remembered in any part of the world, a sign of beauty and greatness. Yet Knight, the guy behind the swoosh, has been since then a total mystery. Now he’s actually sharing his story in a memoir that’s unexpected, honest, unfiltered, sweet, and beautifully written. Twenty-four years old, backpacking around the world, wondering about with the Great Questions of Life, Knight determines that he must pursue the unconventional path. Knight provides descriptions of the most frightening dangers he faced along the way, the crippling defeats, the relentless rivals, the countless doubters and haters and aggressive bankers. He remembers, above all, the fundamental connections that shaped Nike’s heart and soul, with his longtime track mentor, the irascible and energetic Bill Bowerman. Together, harnessing a visionary mindset and a common faith in sport’s redemptive, they built a product and culture that changed everything.

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  • Great overall
  • Decent writing