Book cover of Sing! by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty
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Sing! - How Worship Transforms Your Life, Family, and Church

by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty
  • Outstanding overall
  • Great content
  • Outstanding writing
Keith and Kristyn Getty travelled, performed and listened to congregational singing all over the world. They trieed to understand why we sing and the immense pleasure and holy blessing that comes with music, to understand how singing influences our hearts and minds and all our lives to foster a tradition of family singing in our everyday lives, to prepare our churches to sing to the Lord and to each other wholeheartedly as an act of…
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Keith and Kristyn Getty travelled, performed and listened to congregational singing all over the world. They trieed to understand why we sing and the immense pleasure and holy blessing that comes with music, to understand how singing influences our hearts and minds and all our lives to foster a tradition of family singing in our everyday lives, to prepare our churches to sing to the Lord and to each other wholeheartedly as an act of unity, to inspire us. They also added some bonus tracks at the end of some more realistic tips for different groups that are more interested in church singing. God wants to include you in this inspiring dream of His men celebrating a nation joyfully uniting in songs of brothers and sisters around the world and his celestial throne.

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Keith and Kristyn Getty travelled, performed and listened to congregational singing all over the world. They trieed to understand why we sing and the immense pleasure and holy blessing that comes with music, to understand how singing influences our hearts and minds and all our lives to foster a tradition of family singing in our everyday lives, to prepare our churches to sing to the Lord and to each other wholeheartedly as an act of unity, to inspire us. They also added some bonus tracks at the end of some more realistic tips for different groups that are more interested in church singing. God wants to include you in this inspiring dream of His men celebrating a nation joyfully uniting in songs of brothers and sisters around the world and his celestial throne.

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  • Outstanding overall
  • Great content
  • Outstanding writing