Book cover of Grit by Angela Duckworth
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Grit - The Power of Passion and Perseverance

by Angela Duckworth
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In this instant bestseller of the New York Times, visionary therapist Angela Duckworth tells those aspiring to excel that it is not talent but a rare combination of enthusiasm and determination that she calls 'grit.' Drawing on her own compelling experience as the daughter of a physicist who has always experienced her lack of 'genius,' Duckworth, now a respected scholar and professor, outlines her early eye-opening stints in teaching, business advising, and psychology, contributing to the theory that what truly fuels achievement is not 'genius,' but rather a special blend…
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In this instant bestseller of the New York Times, visionary therapist Angela Duckworth tells those aspiring to excel that it is not talent but a rare combination of enthusiasm and determination that she calls ‘grit.’ Drawing on her own compelling experience as the daughter of a physicist who has always experienced her lack of ‘genius,’ Duckworth, now a respected scholar and professor, outlines her early eye-opening stints in teaching, business advising, and psychology, contributing to the theory that what truly fuels achievement is not ‘genius,’ but rather a special blend of passion and persistence. Grit is a winningly intimate, profound, and sometimes life-changing book about what’s going through your mind when you fall down, and why it makes all the difference.

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In this instant bestseller of the New York Times, visionary therapist Angela Duckworth tells those aspiring to excel that it is not talent but a rare combination of enthusiasm and determination that she calls ‘grit.’ Drawing on her own compelling experience as the daughter of a physicist who has always experienced her lack of ‘genius,’ Duckworth, now a respected scholar and professor, outlines her early eye-opening stints in teaching, business advising, and psychology, contributing to the theory that what truly fuels achievement is not ‘genius,’ but rather a special blend of passion and persistence. Grit is a winningly intimate, profound, and sometimes life-changing book about what’s going through your mind when you fall down, and why it makes all the difference.

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  • Decent writing