Book cover of Lean In for Graduates by Sheryl Sandberg
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Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In turned into a major social phenomenon in 2013 and the name became an immediate catchphrase to inspire and emancipate women. This version includes new figures and contains a heartfelt letter from Sandberg urging students to pursue and contribute to the job they enjoy. Lean In, paired with motivation and pragmatic guidance, will talk directly to students…
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Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In turned into a major social phenomenon in 2013 and the name became an immediate catchphrase to inspire and emancipate women. This version includes new figures and contains a heartfelt letter from Sandberg urging students to pursue and contribute to the job they enjoy. Lean In, paired with motivation and pragmatic guidance, will talk directly to students and transform live.

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Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In turned into a major social phenomenon in 2013 and the name became an immediate catchphrase to inspire and emancipate women. This version includes new figures and contains a heartfelt letter from Sandberg urging students to pursue and contribute to the job they enjoy. Lean In, paired with motivation and pragmatic guidance, will talk directly to students and transform live.

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  • Great overall
  • Decent content
  • Great writing