Book cover of The ABCs of Success by Bob Proctor
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Some of the most popular and sought-after inspirational leaders of our day provides an informative roadmap to the pillars of success. This inspirational guide uses a wide range of subjects to bring insight, knowledge, and inspiration to readers. Proctor first developed a highly successful business career, then had a successful speaking career, elaborating on the ideals of Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich and other classic books on success and wealth. In The ABCs of…
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Some of the most popular and sought-after inspirational leaders of our day provides an informative roadmap to the pillars of success. This inspirational guide uses a wide range of subjects to bring insight, knowledge, and inspiration to readers. Proctor first developed a highly successful business career, then had a successful speaking career, elaborating on the ideals of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and other classic books on success and wealth. In The ABCs of Success , Proctor moves beyond the basic rules of achievement and desire, focusing on sixty-seven unique concepts that are important to all those who wish to make their aspirations a reality, including determination, productivity, and vision. The ABCs of Success is an invaluable guide for anybody who needs the collective wisdom of a century of positive thought in a single, readable book, arranged in A-to-Z format and consisting of short essays that can be read over and over again.

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Some of the most popular and sought-after inspirational leaders of our day provides an informative roadmap to the pillars of success. This inspirational guide uses a wide range of subjects to bring insight, knowledge, and inspiration to readers. Proctor first developed a highly successful business career, then had a successful speaking career, elaborating on the ideals of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and other classic books on success and wealth. In The ABCs of Success , Proctor moves beyond the basic rules of achievement and desire, focusing on sixty-seven unique concepts that are important to all those who wish to make their aspirations a reality, including determination, productivity, and vision. The ABCs of Success is an invaluable guide for anybody who needs the collective wisdom of a century of positive thought in a single, readable book, arranged in A-to-Z format and consisting of short essays that can be read over and over again.

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  • Outstanding overall
  • Outstanding writing