Book cover of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
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Think and Grow Rich

by Napoleon Hill
  • Great overall
  • Decent content
  • Great writing
Napoleon Hill established the ideology and lifestyle for those who achieved economic prosperity by studying billionaires. While Hills' aim is to mentor others to become like these billionaires, Think and Grow Rich is all about inspiring people to realize their own dreams of wealth.
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Napoleon Hill established the ideology and lifestyle for those who achieved economic prosperity by studying billionaires. While Hills’ aim is to mentor others to become like these billionaires, Think and Grow Rich is all about inspiring people to realize their own dreams of wealth.

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Napoleon Hill established the ideology and lifestyle for those who achieved economic prosperity by studying billionaires. While Hills’ aim is to mentor others to become like these billionaires, Think and Grow Rich is all about inspiring people to realize their own dreams of wealth.

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  • Great overall
  • Decent content
  • Great writing