Book cover of 80000 Hours by Benjamin J Todd
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80000 Hours - Find a fulfilling career that does good.

by Benjamin J Todd
  • Great overall
  • Outstanding writing
Choose a rewarding profession that tackles the most important problems of the societies, using this guide focused on five years of research at Oxford. During your career you will work 80000 hours: something like 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, for around 40 years. This means that one of the most important choices you'll ever take is your career choice. There's very not much good guides out there for such an important call, remarkably. Some career counseling is about stuff like writing a curriculum vitae, and some of…
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Choose a rewarding profession that tackles the most important problems of the societies, using this guide focused on five years of research at Oxford. During your career you will work 80000 hours: something like 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, for around 40 years. This means that one of the most important choices you’ll ever take is your career choice. There’s very not much good guides out there for such an important call, remarkably. Some career counseling is about stuff like writing a curriculum vitae, and some of the rest are just misleading motivational like following your heart and passion. Most people we refer to don’t really have any suggestions about career because they’re not taking advices from professionals or simply trying to sort things out on their own. This book is geared at helping you pursue a job that you love, that you are good at, and that explores the most important concerns of the world.

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Choose a rewarding profession that tackles the most important problems of the societies, using this guide focused on five years of research at Oxford. During your career you will work 80000 hours: something like 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, for around 40 years. This means that one of the most important choices you’ll ever take is your career choice. There’s very not much good guides out there for such an important call, remarkably. Some career counseling is about stuff like writing a curriculum vitae, and some of the rest are just misleading motivational like following your heart and passion. Most people we refer to don’t really have any suggestions about career because they’re not taking advices from professionals or simply trying to sort things out on their own. This book is geared at helping you pursue a job that you love, that you are good at, and that explores the most important concerns of the world.

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  • Great overall
  • Outstanding writing