Book cover of The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte
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The Desire Map - A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul

by Danielle LaPorte
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Danielle LaPorte gives you an holistic method of life management that can revolutionize the way you go about what you truly desire in life. About 10,000 Desire Mappers have been using successfully this process. Danielle gets stories every day about leaving work, tossing the chump, renewing vows, taking pole lessons, reading memoirs, moving on. It's all about getting more from life and embrace it. If you feel frustrated trying to hack yourself into happiness using positive affirmations or quotes about hope, then you're ready for The Desire Map.
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Danielle LaPorte gives you an holistic method of life management that can revolutionize the way you go about what you truly desire in life. About 10,000 Desire Mappers have been using successfully this process. Danielle gets stories every day about leaving work, tossing the chump, renewing vows, taking pole lessons, reading memoirs, moving on. It’s all about getting more from life and embrace it. If you feel frustrated trying to hack yourself into happiness using positive affirmations or quotes about hope, then you’re ready for The Desire Map.

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Danielle LaPorte gives you an holistic method of life management that can revolutionize the way you go about what you truly desire in life. About 10,000 Desire Mappers have been using successfully this process. Danielle gets stories every day about leaving work, tossing the chump, renewing vows, taking pole lessons, reading memoirs, moving on. It’s all about getting more from life and embrace it. If you feel frustrated trying to hack yourself into happiness using positive affirmations or quotes about hope, then you’re ready for The Desire Map.

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  • Great overall
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  • Great writing