The bestselling writer Michael Hyatt, explains why, too often, our big are pushed away and get slowly forgotten, but he has a counter method. Yes, he thinks readers will eventually close the distance between fact and their fantasies. Yes now is the perfect time. Hyatt offers a strong, tested, research-driven framework to set and accomplish targets in Your Best Year Ever. Readers know in just five hours how to plan their best year ever. Anyone…
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The bestselling writer Michael Hyatt, explains why, too often, our big are pushed away and get slowly forgotten, but he has a counter method. Yes, he thinks readers will eventually close the distance between fact and their fantasies. Yes now is the perfect time. Hyatt offers a strong, tested, research-driven framework to set and accomplish targets in Your Best Year Ever. Readers know in just five hours how to plan their best year ever. Anyone tired of not seeing change in their social, academic, career, friendship, or financial goals would enjoy the field-tested information found on these pages.
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The bestselling writer Michael Hyatt, explains why, too often, our big are pushed away and get slowly forgotten, but he has a counter method. Yes, he thinks readers will eventually close the distance between fact and their fantasies. Yes now is the perfect time. Hyatt offers a strong, tested, research-driven framework to set and accomplish targets in Your Best Year Ever. Readers know in just five hours how to plan their best year ever. Anyone tired of not seeing change in their social, academic, career, friendship, or financial goals would enjoy the field-tested information found on these pages.
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