Book cover of Becoming Whole by Bruce Alan Kehr M.D.
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Becoming Whole - A Healing Companion to Ease Emotional Pain and Find Self-Love

by Bruce Alan Kehr M.D.
  • Great overall
  • Decent content
  • Outstanding writing
Becoming Whole, overflowing with love, compassion, and hope, consistently shows you how to relieve psychological distress in your life and in lives of loved ones. Becoming Whole is committed to healing people who are suffering from mental trauma. Becoming Whole is not only a soothing companion, but also a beneficial life partner, thoughtful, strong and revealing.
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Becoming Whole, overflowing with love, compassion, and hope, consistently shows you how to relieve psychological distress in your life and in lives of loved ones. Becoming Whole is committed to healing people who are suffering from mental trauma. Becoming Whole is not only a soothing companion, but also a beneficial life partner, thoughtful, strong and revealing.

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Becoming Whole, overflowing with love, compassion, and hope, consistently shows you how to relieve psychological distress in your life and in lives of loved ones. Becoming Whole is committed to healing people who are suffering from mental trauma. Becoming Whole is not only a soothing companion, but also a beneficial life partner, thoughtful, strong and revealing.

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  • Great overall
  • Decent content
  • Outstanding writing