Book cover of Do More Better by Tim Challies
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Do More Better - A Practical Guide to Productivity

by Tim Challies
  • Outstanding overall
  • Outstanding content
  • Great writing
I'm not a master for performance and productivity. I am a author, a husband, a believer and a father with many duties and new challenges that always come to me. I've written this short, fast-paced, pragmatic efficiency guide to share what I've learned to do in the digital modern times. It's very easy to lead a peaceful and organized life, assured of your obligations and sure of your success.
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I’m not a master for performance and productivity. I am a author, a husband, a believer and a father with many duties and new challenges that always come to me. I’ve written this short, fast-paced, pragmatic efficiency guide to share what I’ve learned to do in the digital modern times. It’s very easy to lead a peaceful and organized life, assured of your obligations and sure of your success.

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I’m not a master for performance and productivity. I am a author, a husband, a believer and a father with many duties and new challenges that always come to me. I’ve written this short, fast-paced, pragmatic efficiency guide to share what I’ve learned to do in the digital modern times. It’s very easy to lead a peaceful and organized life, assured of your obligations and sure of your success.

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  • Outstanding overall
  • Outstanding content
  • Great writing