Book cover of The Sweet Spot by Christine Carter Ph.D.
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The Sweet Spot - How to Find Your Groove at Home and Work

by Christine Carter Ph.D.
  • Outstanding overall
  • Great content
  • Outstanding writing
Not long ago, Christine Carter, a wellbeing consultant at the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley and a lecturer, author, and mom, found herself exasperated by the business of daily life: so many competing responsibilities and not enough space, resources, and stamina to get anything accomplished. Determined to build a less difficult life for herself, she tried every research-based tactic that aimed to make her life more enjoyable. Based on her thorough knowledge of…
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Not long ago, Christine Carter, a wellbeing consultant at the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley and a lecturer, author, and mom, found herself exasperated by the business of daily life: so many competing responsibilities and not enough space, resources, and stamina to get anything accomplished. Determined to build a less difficult life for herself, she tried every research-based tactic that aimed to make her life more enjoyable. Based on her thorough knowledge of the latest studies on satisfaction, efficiency, and elite success, she pursued any tactic that aimed to give her more power and make her more effective, innovative, and wiser. Carter shares in The Sweet Spot the mix of activities that turned her life from feeling exhausted and stressful to being content, confident and successful. Along with the best tips for immediate relief, this uplifiting book will make you “overwhelm-resistant” and bring you Peace and Happiness away from perfectionism.

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Not long ago, Christine Carter, a wellbeing consultant at the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley and a lecturer, author, and mom, found herself exasperated by the business of daily life: so many competing responsibilities and not enough space, resources, and stamina to get anything accomplished. Determined to build a less difficult life for herself, she tried every research-based tactic that aimed to make her life more enjoyable. Based on her thorough knowledge of the latest studies on satisfaction, efficiency, and elite success, she pursued any tactic that aimed to give her more power and make her more effective, innovative, and wiser. Carter shares in The Sweet Spot the mix of activities that turned her life from feeling exhausted and stressful to being content, confident and successful. Along with the best tips for immediate relief, this uplifiting book will make you “overwhelm-resistant” and bring you Peace and Happiness away from perfectionism.

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  • Outstanding overall
  • Great content
  • Outstanding writing