Book cover of The Microbiome Solution by Dr. Robynne Chutkan M.D.
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Gutbliss' writer and one of today's leading gastroenterologists is distilling the new microbiome findings into a concrete plan to improve health in general. Dr. Robynne Chutkan discusses that our microbiome is depleted by the typical Western diet and lifestyle, depleting the good bugs that keep us alive and promoting overgrowth of just the wrong kind of bacteria. Yet beyond research, what distinguishes this book is the strong three-level system of Dr. Chutkan to maximize the…
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Gutbliss’ writer and one of today’s leading gastroenterologists is distilling the new microbiome findings into a concrete plan to improve health in general. Dr. Robynne Chutkan discusses that our microbiome is depleted by the typical Western diet and lifestyle, depleting the good bugs that keep us alive and promoting overgrowth of just the wrong kind of bacteria. Yet beyond research, what distinguishes this book is the strong three-level system of Dr. Chutkan to maximize the intestinal bacteria for better health.

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Gutbliss’ writer and one of today’s leading gastroenterologists is distilling the new microbiome findings into a concrete plan to improve health in general. Dr. Robynne Chutkan discusses that our microbiome is depleted by the typical Western diet and lifestyle, depleting the good bugs that keep us alive and promoting overgrowth of just the wrong kind of bacteria. Yet beyond research, what distinguishes this book is the strong three-level system of Dr. Chutkan to maximize the intestinal bacteria for better health.

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  • Great overall
  • Great writing