Book cover of Unmedicated by Madisyn Taylor
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Unmedicated - The Four Pillars of Natural Wellness

by Madisyn Taylor
  • Great overall
  • Outstanding writing
The co-founder of DailyOM's holistic lifestyle website offers a pleasant and simple guide to transition from unhealthy dependence on medications to simple recovery. Depression and anxiety overwhelmed Madisyn Taylor with persistent health issues that left her looking desperately for remedies. She then made the decision to become unmedicated, heading out to the natural, holistic wellness environment with her life and career on the table. So after years of experience and testing, Madisyn built an integrative lifestyle plan that gets her right into her health's driver's seat, and eventually, her existence.…
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The co-founder of DailyOM’s holistic lifestyle website offers a pleasant and simple guide to transition from unhealthy dependence on medications to simple recovery. Depression and anxiety overwhelmed Madisyn Taylor with persistent health issues that left her looking desperately for remedies. She then made the decision to become unmedicated, heading out to the natural, holistic wellness environment with her life and career on the table. So after years of experience and testing, Madisyn built an integrative lifestyle plan that gets her right into her health’s driver’s seat, and eventually, her existence. Unmedicated is her insightful account of how she broke free to be safe, balanced and successful from restrictive mental bonds and physical ailments; it is also a roadmap for you to adapt her pragmatic methods to your own healing path. Madisyn delivers a daily schedule of simple exercices based on four pillars: clear your mind; strengthen your body; nurture your spirit; and find your people. Whether you need to be happier and stay positive, seek freedom from stress or anxiety, and treat or make a healthier transition, Unmedicated is a gentle, caring and practical path that empowers you to take back your life and live completely.

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The co-founder of DailyOM’s holistic lifestyle website offers a pleasant and simple guide to transition from unhealthy dependence on medications to simple recovery. Depression and anxiety overwhelmed Madisyn Taylor with persistent health issues that left her looking desperately for remedies. She then made the decision to become unmedicated, heading out to the natural, holistic wellness environment with her life and career on the table. So after years of experience and testing, Madisyn built an integrative lifestyle plan that gets her right into her health’s driver’s seat, and eventually, her existence. Unmedicated is her insightful account of how she broke free to be safe, balanced and successful from restrictive mental bonds and physical ailments; it is also a roadmap for you to adapt her pragmatic methods to your own healing path. Madisyn delivers a daily schedule of simple exercices based on four pillars: clear your mind; strengthen your body; nurture your spirit; and find your people. Whether you need to be happier and stay positive, seek freedom from stress or anxiety, and treat or make a healthier transition, Unmedicated is a gentle, caring and practical path that empowers you to take back your life and live completely.

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  • Great overall
  • Outstanding writing