Book cover of The Social Animal by Elliot Aronson, Joshua Aronson
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The Social Animal

by Elliot Aronson, Joshua Aronson
  • Great overall
  • Decent content
  • Great writing
The Social Animal is an acclaimed book that has been used for over 50 years in behavioral science lectures and a strong guide to the discipline to many students in the U.S. and around the world. This latest edition preserves the strong descriptive voice of Elliot Aronson, while incorporating the intellectual perspective of his brother, professor at the New York University, Joshua Aronson, his new co-author. The Social Animal, Twelfth Edition, has been extensively revised and updated to give additional perspectives into human social activity around a range of core…
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The Social Animal is an acclaimed book that has been used for over 50 years in behavioral science lectures and a strong guide to the discipline to many students in the U.S. and around the world. This latest edition preserves the strong descriptive voice of Elliot Aronson, while incorporating the intellectual perspective of his brother, professor at the New York University, Joshua Aronson, his new co-author. The Social Animal, Twelfth Edition, has been extensively revised and updated to give additional perspectives into human social activity around a range of core subjects, including violence, loyalty, compliance, economics, race relations, marketing, peace, and emotional desire

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The Social Animal is an acclaimed book that has been used for over 50 years in behavioral science lectures and a strong guide to the discipline to many students in the U.S. and around the world. This latest edition preserves the strong descriptive voice of Elliot Aronson, while incorporating the intellectual perspective of his brother, professor at the New York University, Joshua Aronson, his new co-author. The Social Animal, Twelfth Edition, has been extensively revised and updated to give additional perspectives into human social activity around a range of core subjects, including violence, loyalty, compliance, economics, race relations, marketing, peace, and emotional desire

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  • Great overall
  • Decent content
  • Great writing