Book cover of Total Immersion by Terry Laughlin
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Total Immersion - The Revolutionary Way To Swim Better, Faster, and Easier

by Terry Laughlin
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With Total Immersion, a guide to improving your swimming from a professional with over thirty years of aquatic experience, you will swim faster and enjoy every length. Whether you're an experienced swimmer or struggling at it, Total Immersion will teach you that mindful smooth movement is more important that muscle or powerin order to be a great swimmer. Total Immersion has significantly changed the physical and psychological experience of swimming for thousands of people of…
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With Total Immersion, a guide to improving your swimming from a professional with over thirty years of aquatic experience, you will swim faster and enjoy every length. Whether you’re an experienced swimmer or struggling at it, Total Immersion will teach you that mindful smooth movement is more important that muscle or powerin order to be a great swimmer. Total Immersion has significantly changed the physical and psychological experience of swimming for thousands of people of all ages and skills, based on over thirty years of teaching, training and study.

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With Total Immersion, a guide to improving your swimming from a professional with over thirty years of aquatic experience, you will swim faster and enjoy every length. Whether you’re an experienced swimmer or struggling at it, Total Immersion will teach you that mindful smooth movement is more important that muscle or powerin order to be a great swimmer. Total Immersion has significantly changed the physical and psychological experience of swimming for thousands of people of all ages and skills, based on over thirty years of teaching, training and study.

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  • Great writing