Book cover of A Lamp in the Darkness by Jack Kornfield Ph.D.
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A Lamp in the Darkness - Illuminating the Path Through Difficult Times

by Jack Kornfield Ph.D.
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You've already hit tough times if you're reading these words. You may have lost a loved one, or you may have lost your work, or you may have been hospitalized with disability, or someone close to you. Perhaps daily life itself has been too complicated and not enough for you. Yet there's much to think about even in the best of days: almost limitless conflicts and terrorism, sexism, the accelerating deterioration of the planet. In…
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You’ve already hit tough times if you’re reading these words. You may have lost a loved one, or you may have lost your work, or you may have been hospitalized with disability, or someone close to you. Perhaps daily life itself has been too complicated and not enough for you. Yet there’s much to think about even in the best of days: almost limitless conflicts and terrorism, sexism, the accelerating deterioration of the planet. In challenging moments, individually and socially, we sometimes start thinking not just how we can get through this tough patch; we start contemplating life.

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You’ve already hit tough times if you’re reading these words. You may have lost a loved one, or you may have lost your work, or you may have been hospitalized with disability, or someone close to you. Perhaps daily life itself has been too complicated and not enough for you. Yet there’s much to think about even in the best of days: almost limitless conflicts and terrorism, sexism, the accelerating deterioration of the planet. In challenging moments, individually and socially, we sometimes start thinking not just how we can get through this tough patch; we start contemplating life.

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  • Decent content
  • Great writing