Book cover of What Now? by Yael Shy
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What Now? - Meditation for Your Twenties and Beyond

by Yael Shy
  • Outstanding overall
  • Great writing
Buddhist teachings and meditation include a guide to help early adulthood college students and others integrate consciousness into their lives as a way of overcoming the various challenges that are special to this period of life. Intense feelings and fear occupy early adulthood. You're caught in the chaos of thoughts about the way you should be living and worrying about wasting the best years of your life. Share conscientiousness activities to help twenty-somethings learn to understand and embrace these emotions and to not respond to unpleasant and strong sensations without…
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Buddhist teachings and meditation include a guide to help early adulthood college students and others integrate consciousness into their lives as a way of overcoming the various challenges that are special to this period of life. Intense feelings and fear occupy early adulthood. You’re caught in the chaos of thoughts about the way you should be living and worrying about wasting the best years of your life. Share conscientiousness activities to help twenty-somethings learn to understand and embrace these emotions and to not respond to unpleasant and strong sensations without driving them back and destroying them. Practices that help us wake up to this reality. A particular turbulent era of creation is a time where many move away from home for the first time and participate in all sorts of experimenting with thoughts, drugs, friendships, and where we think we are and what to be in the world. Yael Shy tells her own experience to initiate a practice and gives simple meditation guides.

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Buddhist teachings and meditation include a guide to help early adulthood college students and others integrate consciousness into their lives as a way of overcoming the various challenges that are special to this period of life. Intense feelings and fear occupy early adulthood. You’re caught in the chaos of thoughts about the way you should be living and worrying about wasting the best years of your life. Share conscientiousness activities to help twenty-somethings learn to understand and embrace these emotions and to not respond to unpleasant and strong sensations without driving them back and destroying them. Practices that help us wake up to this reality. A particular turbulent era of creation is a time where many move away from home for the first time and participate in all sorts of experimenting with thoughts, drugs, friendships, and where we think we are and what to be in the world. Yael Shy tells her own experience to initiate a practice and gives simple meditation guides.

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  • Outstanding overall
  • Great writing