Book cover of Minimalism for Families by Zoë Kim
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Whether you're trying to build more time, space, power, and harmony, Minimalism for Families presents you with the skills you need to overcome uncertainty and achieve more with less. Minimalism for Families, built especially for hectic families, will teach you exactly how to use minimalism to decrease clutter in your home. The book, first introduces what minimalism is, the advantages of this mindset, and how to incorporate and implement the approach into your life. Then…
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Whether you’re trying to build more time, space, power, and harmony, Minimalism for Families presents you with the skills you need to overcome uncertainty and achieve more with less. Minimalism for Families, built especially for hectic families, will teach you exactly how to use minimalism to decrease clutter in your home. The book, first introduces what minimalism is, the advantages of this mindset, and how to incorporate and implement the approach into your life. Then are presented room-by-room Strategies offering guidance to declutter any room including dining quarters, kitchens, classrooms, home offices. It also give tips on how to get your family involved and excited about it. With Minimalism for Families, you will find what you need to start implementing minimalism principles.

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Whether you’re trying to build more time, space, power, and harmony, Minimalism for Families presents you with the skills you need to overcome uncertainty and achieve more with less. Minimalism for Families, built especially for hectic families, will teach you exactly how to use minimalism to decrease clutter in your home. The book, first introduces what minimalism is, the advantages of this mindset, and how to incorporate and implement the approach into your life. Then are presented room-by-room Strategies offering guidance to declutter any room including dining quarters, kitchens, classrooms, home offices. It also give tips on how to get your family involved and excited about it. With Minimalism for Families, you will find what you need to start implementing minimalism principles.

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  • Outstanding writing