Book cover of New Minimalism by Cary Telander Fortin, Kyle Louise Quilici
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New Minimalism - Decluttering and Design for Sustainable, Intentional Living

by Cary Telander Fortin, Kyle Louise Quilici
  • Great overall
  • Decent content
  • Outstanding writing
In a stunning new book for fans of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, the decluttering craze explores a love for green living and home design. The book promises an opportunity for self-reflection and positive improvement by getting to the bottom of why we first gathered so much material, hence allowing us to improve our lives. New Minimalism will guide you, step by step, from analyzing your emotional link to your objetcts and things to…
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In a stunning new book for fans of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, the decluttering craze explores a love for green living and home design. The book promises an opportunity for self-reflection and positive improvement by getting to the bottom of why we first gathered so much material, hence allowing us to improve our lives. New Minimalism will guide you, step by step, from analyzing your emotional link to your objetcts and things to transforming your home into a beautifully inviting place which feels tidy and organized beyong looking empty or rigid. You’ll find tools and ways to recycle your things and reuse them and you feel good for getting rid of it!

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In a stunning new book for fans of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, the decluttering craze explores a love for green living and home design. The book promises an opportunity for self-reflection and positive improvement by getting to the bottom of why we first gathered so much material, hence allowing us to improve our lives. New Minimalism will guide you, step by step, from analyzing your emotional link to your objetcts and things to transforming your home into a beautifully inviting place which feels tidy and organized beyong looking empty or rigid. You’ll find tools and ways to recycle your things and reuse them and you feel good for getting rid of it!

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  • Great overall
  • Decent content
  • Outstanding writing