Book cover of Soulful Simplicity by Courtney Carver
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Soulful Simplicity - How Living with Less Can Lead to So Much More

by Courtney Carver
  • Great overall
  • Outstanding content
  • Great writing
Courtney Carver teaches us the strength of consistency in our professional and private lives to improve our wellbeing, create more positive relationships, and alleviate tension. After Carver was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), this relentless endeavor needed to come to an end. It was obvious that she had to weed out the physical and emotional chaos that was the cause of her stress and resentment. Carver encourages us to look at the larger picture, to…
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Courtney Carver teaches us the strength of consistency in our professional and private lives to improve our wellbeing, create more positive relationships, and alleviate tension. After Carver was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), this relentless endeavor needed to come to an end. It was obvious that she had to weed out the physical and emotional chaos that was the cause of her stress and resentment. Carver encourages us to look at the larger picture, to find what matters most to us, and to regain lightness and simplicity by getting rid of all the unnecessary material.

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Courtney Carver teaches us the strength of consistency in our professional and private lives to improve our wellbeing, create more positive relationships, and alleviate tension. After Carver was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), this relentless endeavor needed to come to an end. It was obvious that she had to weed out the physical and emotional chaos that was the cause of her stress and resentment. Carver encourages us to look at the larger picture, to find what matters most to us, and to regain lightness and simplicity by getting rid of all the unnecessary material.

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  • Great overall
  • Outstanding content
  • Great writing