Book cover of The Engine 2 Seven-Day Rescue Diet by Rip Esselstyn
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Simpler and easier to follow than ever is the popular New York Times bestselling diet that started a wellness revolutions! The Engine 2 Diet sold hundreds of thousands of copies and sparked a food trend focused on plants. Engine 2 is the most popular brand of plant-based cooking, with recommendations from leading health practitioners and a product line in the Whole Foods Market. Now Esselstyn offers a strong, accelerated new Engine 2 system that promises…
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Simpler and easier to follow than ever is the popular New York Times bestselling diet that started a wellness revolutions! The Engine 2 Diet sold hundreds of thousands of copies and sparked a food trend focused on plants. Engine 2 is the most popular brand of plant-based cooking, with recommendations from leading health practitioners and a product line in the Whole Foods Market. Now Esselstyn offers a strong, accelerated new Engine 2 system that promises spectacular performance in no time.

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Simpler and easier to follow than ever is the popular New York Times bestselling diet that started a wellness revolutions! The Engine 2 Diet sold hundreds of thousands of copies and sparked a food trend focused on plants. Engine 2 is the most popular brand of plant-based cooking, with recommendations from leading health practitioners and a product line in the Whole Foods Market. Now Esselstyn offers a strong, accelerated new Engine 2 system that promises spectacular performance in no time.

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  • Decent overall
  • Outstanding writing