Book cover of Humility Rules by Augustine Wetta
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Humility Rules - Saint Benedict's Twelve-Step Guide to Genuine Self-Esteem

by Augustine Wetta
  • Outstanding overall
  • Outstanding writing
Saint Benedicts' Guide to Humility in the Fifth Generation provides the solution for the anxiety and depression crippling young people. Through candor, irony, and a special approach to classical art, high school educator and mentor Father Augustine breaks down Saint Benedict's system into twelve pithy measures to achieve inner harmony in a manner that can be extended to anybody's life. Based on the experiences of his own life, both before and after becoming a Benedictine…
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Saint Benedicts’ Guide to Humility in the Fifth Generation provides the solution for the anxiety and depression crippling young people. Through candor, irony, and a special approach to classical art, high school educator and mentor Father Augustine breaks down Saint Benedict’s system into twelve pithy measures to achieve inner harmony in a manner that can be extended to anybody’s life. Based on the experiences of his own life, both before and after becoming a Benedictine monk, the writer discusses each phase, illustrating each chapter with color reproductions of sacred art that he has embellished with comic flourishes. The winsome combination would certainly stop writers from taking themselves too seriously, a first step on the road to modesty.

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Saint Benedicts’ Guide to Humility in the Fifth Generation provides the solution for the anxiety and depression crippling young people. Through candor, irony, and a special approach to classical art, high school educator and mentor Father Augustine breaks down Saint Benedict’s system into twelve pithy measures to achieve inner harmony in a manner that can be extended to anybody’s life. Based on the experiences of his own life, both before and after becoming a Benedictine monk, the writer discusses each phase, illustrating each chapter with color reproductions of sacred art that he has embellished with comic flourishes. The winsome combination would certainly stop writers from taking themselves too seriously, a first step on the road to modesty.

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  • Outstanding overall
  • Outstanding writing