Book cover of Love Like That by Les Parrott
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Love Like That - 5 Relationship Secrets from Jesus

by Les Parrott
  • Outstanding overall
  • Outstanding writing
#1 New York Times bestselling writer Dr. Les Parrott writes a realistic plan to embrace love for family, colleagues, colleagues, and even strangers in this inspirational, utterly pragmatic new novel. Dr. Parrott picks up the new findings from psychology and anthropology in his trademark-open fashion and combines them with Christian instruction to show five transforming ways to respond to people embodied by Christ himself: being conscious, accessible, compassionate, confident, and self-giving.
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#1 New York Times bestselling writer Dr. Les Parrott writes a realistic plan to embrace love for family, colleagues, colleagues, and even strangers in this inspirational, utterly pragmatic new novel. Dr. Parrott picks up the new findings from psychology and anthropology in his trademark-open fashion and combines them with Christian instruction to show five transforming ways to respond to people embodied by Christ himself: being conscious, accessible, compassionate, confident, and self-giving.

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#1 New York Times bestselling writer Dr. Les Parrott writes a realistic plan to embrace love for family, colleagues, colleagues, and even strangers in this inspirational, utterly pragmatic new novel. Dr. Parrott picks up the new findings from psychology and anthropology in his trademark-open fashion and combines them with Christian instruction to show five transforming ways to respond to people embodied by Christ himself: being conscious, accessible, compassionate, confident, and self-giving.

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  • Outstanding overall
  • Outstanding writing