Book cover of Pomodoro Technique Illustrated by Staffan Noteberg
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The Pomodoro Technique puts you back in control of your day. You will use effective strategies to determine what you are going to do today to help you accomplish your goals. Once completely engaged in brief periods of concentrated action, the mind does not drift and stays focus on your objectives. Using nothing more than paper, pencil, and a basic timer to learn to work less and do better. This unique approach to timeboxing is…
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The Pomodoro Technique puts you back in control of your day. You will use effective strategies to determine what you are going to do today to help you accomplish your goals. Once completely engaged in brief periods of concentrated action, the mind does not drift and stays focus on your objectives. Using nothing more than paper, pencil, and a basic timer to learn to work less and do better. This unique approach to timeboxing is at the heart of the Pomodoro Technique and this book is packed with advices about how to get going and how to apply it on a daily basis.

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The Pomodoro Technique puts you back in control of your day. You will use effective strategies to determine what you are going to do today to help you accomplish your goals. Once completely engaged in brief periods of concentrated action, the mind does not drift and stays focus on your objectives. Using nothing more than paper, pencil, and a basic timer to learn to work less and do better. This unique approach to timeboxing is at the heart of the Pomodoro Technique and this book is packed with advices about how to get going and how to apply it on a daily basis.

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  • Great overall
  • Great writing