Book cover of Scary Close by Donald Miller
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Scary Close - Dropping the Act and Finding True Intimacy

by Donald Miller
  • Decent overall
  • Decent content
  • Great writing
Donald Miller thought he had enough after decades of broken relationships and excruciating drama. He tryiied to connect with people by impressing them but without success. He has been creating a life of social solitude, but at the same time fantasming of real relationships. He made a hard decision at the age of forty: to be himself, no matter the cost. His story tells us how he finally managed to build a balanced mindset, a…
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Donald Miller thought he had enough after decades of broken relationships and excruciating drama. He tryiied to connect with people by impressing them but without success. He has been creating a life of social solitude, but at the same time fantasming of real relationships. He made a hard decision at the age of forty: to be himself, no matter the cost. His story tells us how he finally managed to build a balanced mindset, a stable family, and a rewarding career. On top of that, Scary Close is smart, funny, true, meaningful.

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Donald Miller thought he had enough after decades of broken relationships and excruciating drama. He tryiied to connect with people by impressing them but without success. He has been creating a life of social solitude, but at the same time fantasming of real relationships. He made a hard decision at the age of forty: to be himself, no matter the cost. His story tells us how he finally managed to build a balanced mindset, a stable family, and a rewarding career. On top of that, Scary Close is smart, funny, true, meaningful.

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  • Decent overall
  • Decent content
  • Great writing