Book cover of Who Says You Can't? You Do by Daniel Chidiac
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Who Says You Can't? You Do

by Daniel Chidiac
  • Great overall
  • Decent writing
A phenomenon that is changing lives around the world, a journey into your true self and amazing potential. Would you like to change your life? A time came in the life of Daniel Chidiac when he discovered that he had not fulfilled his reality. He didn't do his work, his friendships affected him, and he made decisions that didn't suit his core beliefs. Yet he had the courage to understand his own intent and so started his journey. Daniel researched great success lives, received advice from divine figures, and learned…
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A phenomenon that is changing lives around the world, a journey into your true self and amazing potential. Would you like to change your life? A time came in the life of Daniel Chidiac when he discovered that he had not fulfilled his reality. He didn’t do his work, his friendships affected him, and he made decisions that didn’t suit his core beliefs. Yet he had the courage to understand his own intent and so started his journey. Daniel researched great success lives, received advice from divine figures, and learned the keys to shape one’s own destiny. In build this insightful seven-step guide, he used his own knowledge of transforming his life to find your true identity, contribute to your own future, and reach past your limits. Daniel Chidiac is an inspirational, articulate and frank guide, standing out for his incisive insights and utter lack of gimmicks. His inspiring program has spread world wide, and the lives of millions of people have already improved. The book encourages you to answer tough questions and take life-changing choices with practical lessons and immersive devices using your own power

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A phenomenon that is changing lives around the world, a journey into your true self and amazing potential. Would you like to change your life? A time came in the life of Daniel Chidiac when he discovered that he had not fulfilled his reality. He didn’t do his work, his friendships affected him, and he made decisions that didn’t suit his core beliefs. Yet he had the courage to understand his own intent and so started his journey. Daniel researched great success lives, received advice from divine figures, and learned the keys to shape one’s own destiny. In build this insightful seven-step guide, he used his own knowledge of transforming his life to find your true identity, contribute to your own future, and reach past your limits. Daniel Chidiac is an inspirational, articulate and frank guide, standing out for his incisive insights and utter lack of gimmicks. His inspiring program has spread world wide, and the lives of millions of people have already improved. The book encourages you to answer tough questions and take life-changing choices with practical lessons and immersive devices using your own power

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  • Great overall
  • Decent writing