Book cover of Deep Work by Cal Newport
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Deep Work - Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

by Cal Newport
  • Decent overall
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Focus, one of our economy's most important skill is becoming exceedingly rare. Deep work is the ability to concentrate on a cognitively difficult task without interruption. It's a talent that helps you to learn complex data easily and with less time achieve good outcomes. Deep work should enhance your quality and give you the feeling of real satisfaction that comes from craftsmanship. In brief, in our highly dynamic twenty-first-century world, deep work is like a…
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Focus, one of our economy’s most important skill is becoming exceedingly rare. Deep work is the ability to concentrate on a cognitively difficult task without interruption. It’s a talent that helps you to learn complex data easily and with less time achieve good outcomes. Deep work should enhance your quality and give you the feeling of real satisfaction that comes from craftsmanship. In brief, in our highly dynamic twenty-first-century world, deep work is like a superpower. Still, many people lose the opportunity to enjoy their days profoundly alone in a frenzied swirl of email and social networks, not knowing better ways. A combination of cultural critique and actionable tips, DEEP WORK takes the reader on a journey through unforgettable stories from Carl Jung. DEEP WORK is an invaluable roadmap for anybody in a busy environment looking for finding back their focus.

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Focus, one of our economy’s most important skill is becoming exceedingly rare. Deep work is the ability to concentrate on a cognitively difficult task without interruption. It’s a talent that helps you to learn complex data easily and with less time achieve good outcomes. Deep work should enhance your quality and give you the feeling of real satisfaction that comes from craftsmanship. In brief, in our highly dynamic twenty-first-century world, deep work is like a superpower. Still, many people lose the opportunity to enjoy their days profoundly alone in a frenzied swirl of email and social networks, not knowing better ways. A combination of cultural critique and actionable tips, DEEP WORK takes the reader on a journey through unforgettable stories from Carl Jung. DEEP WORK is an invaluable roadmap for anybody in a busy environment looking for finding back their focus.

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  • Decent overall
  • Decent content
  • Great writing