Book cover of Stop Over-Thinking Your Money! by Preet Banerjee
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Personal finance is very much like staying fit and healthy. Everybody knows we need to work out and sleep well to be in good condition. A personal trainer achieves results, not by teaching clients a different way of doing sit-ups, but merely by making sure that the sit-ups sessions are followed till the end. In "Stop Over-Thinking Your Money!" , Preet Banerjee discusses the monetary equivalent to what workout and diet. In the world of…
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Personal finance is very much like staying fit and healthy. Everybody knows we need to work out and sleep well to be in good condition. A personal trainer achieves results, not by teaching clients a different way of doing sit-ups, but merely by making sure that the sit-ups sessions are followed till the end. In “Stop Over-Thinking Your Money!” , Preet Banerjee discusses the monetary equivalent to what workout and diet. In the world of finance, there are so many buzzwords that most people end up confused. It can be paralysing, because if feels like there’s so much to learn, we never get the motivation to start taking care of our money. The great thing is that you’ll just have to know about 20 percent of all the details out there in the field of personal finance.

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Personal finance is very much like staying fit and healthy. Everybody knows we need to work out and sleep well to be in good condition. A personal trainer achieves results, not by teaching clients a different way of doing sit-ups, but merely by making sure that the sit-ups sessions are followed till the end. In “Stop Over-Thinking Your Money!” , Preet Banerjee discusses the monetary equivalent to what workout and diet. In the world of finance, there are so many buzzwords that most people end up confused. It can be paralysing, because if feels like there’s so much to learn, we never get the motivation to start taking care of our money. The great thing is that you’ll just have to know about 20 percent of all the details out there in the field of personal finance.

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  • Decent overall
  • Great writing