Book cover of The Art of Coaching by Elena Aguilar
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The Art of Coaching - Effective Strategies for School Transformation

by Elena Aguilar
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This comprehensive guide includes the basic skills and strategies that new coaching teachers require, as well as an explanation of the experience and philosophy context behind the practice. This guide contains various opportunities for existing coaches to expand and improve their coaching experience. Principals and others will now consider a variety of tools to integrate coaching techniques into their practice. Aguilar provides a transition training template that can be applied either in colleges or municipalities…
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This comprehensive guide includes the basic skills and strategies that new coaching teachers require, as well as an explanation of the experience and philosophy context behind the practice. This guide contains various opportunities for existing coaches to expand and improve their coaching experience. Principals and others will now consider a variety of tools to integrate coaching techniques into their practice. Aguilar provides a transition training template that can be applied either in colleges or municipalities as career growth. The Art of Coaching: Effective Strategies for School Transformation includes a compendium of school coaching strategies.

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This comprehensive guide includes the basic skills and strategies that new coaching teachers require, as well as an explanation of the experience and philosophy context behind the practice. This guide contains various opportunities for existing coaches to expand and improve their coaching experience. Principals and others will now consider a variety of tools to integrate coaching techniques into their practice. Aguilar provides a transition training template that can be applied either in colleges or municipalities as career growth. The Art of Coaching: Effective Strategies for School Transformation includes a compendium of school coaching strategies.

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  • Decent content
  • Outstanding writing