Book cover of The Career Playbook by James M. Citrin
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Or are you a young professional looking for the right field and the best place to propel your career? This has never been more difficult to find out the fitting career or get a good salary. In fact, students of today are not only searching for better employment, but also for opportunities that will help them begin careers from which they can develop and succeed. Learning what to look for and how to really get…
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Or are you a young professional looking for the right field and the best place to propel your career? This has never been more difficult to find out the fitting career or get a good salary. In fact, students of today are not only searching for better employment, but also for opportunities that will help them begin careers from which they can develop and succeed. Learning what to look for and how to really get a better career is extremely daunting. Based on a comprehensive study of thousands of students and young professionals and interviews with leaders The Career Playbook offers actionable tips for success. From his pragmatic guidance on creating useful introductions, nailing meetings, and securing rewards to tactical recommendations on a career trajectory, the value of friendships, how to develop a mentor, and deciding when to switch jobs or industries, Citrin offers an invaluable roadmap for your career.

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Or are you a young professional looking for the right field and the best place to propel your career? This has never been more difficult to find out the fitting career or get a good salary. In fact, students of today are not only searching for better employment, but also for opportunities that will help them begin careers from which they can develop and succeed. Learning what to look for and how to really get a better career is extremely daunting. Based on a comprehensive study of thousands of students and young professionals and interviews with leaders The Career Playbook offers actionable tips for success. From his pragmatic guidance on creating useful introductions, nailing meetings, and securing rewards to tactical recommendations on a career trajectory, the value of friendships, how to develop a mentor, and deciding when to switch jobs or industries, Citrin offers an invaluable roadmap for your career.

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